The incidence of pet allergies is on the rise, as in pet allergy related asthma conditions.  Therefore, the questions we must ask ourselves are: should we be concerned; why are these conditions getting worse; and what can we do about it?

Pet allergies typically occur when the immune system overracts to certain animal proteins contained in the urine or saliva.  This reaction can trigger inflammation in the lining of the nasal passages (allergic rhinitis), causing sneezing, runny nose, and other signs and symptoms usually associated with hay fever.  For some people, a pet allergy may be the primary cause of inflammation and contraction of airways in the lungs (asthma), resulting in wheezing, shortness of breath, and other breathing difficulties.

New research from the U.S. National Institutes of Health shows that cats are the signle biggest trigger for asthma, causing reactions in 29.3% of asthmatics.  A Swedish study found 40% of kids with asthma reacted to cats, 34% to dogs, and 28% to horses.

Dr. Jeffrey Davidson, an allergist in San Francisco and a clinical professor at the University of California San Francisco, says it's fair to expect that as the incidence of allergic disease grows, so does the number of people reacting to animals.  And while cat allergies are the most prevalent, people can be sensitized to any animals with feathers and fur, including dogs, guinea pigs, mice, birds, and ferrets.

Traditional solutions to pet allergies have been to avoid contact with cats or dogs.  Keep the pets out of the house, and avoid visiting people with pets.  In reality, this may be easier said than done.  Avoiding people who have pets makes avoidance strategy nearly impossible.

Many people, with non-life-threatening allergies, live with pets despite having allergies to them!  However, in many cases the situation is much worse.  People are forced to live on medications that help manage their symptoms, or worse yet, are forced to get rid of their beloved pet forever.

For many of us, pets are like our children and we cannot imagine a life without them.  So what do we do in a case where our "furry" children make us miserable?  It is time to find a better way to understand and treat these symptoms.

There is a new and improved way of looking at and addressing pet allergies.  The BAX AURA system focuses on the #1 factor missing in most other forms of treatment for pet allergies:

       "Instead of trying to control the symptoms, the concern is trying to control the cause of the symptoms: the over active immune system or hypersensitive stress response."

Does this sound like a more logical, direct approach to treating the patient and not just the symptoms?   You bet it does.

At Back To Health Family Chiropractic, we are seeing success where other treatments have failed.  To their surprise, the patients we are treating are astounded by what we are doing for them and so thankful it brings many to tears.  Now that is real healthcare!

Call us at 931-489-5979 to schedule an appointment for a consultation and get started on the road to health without allergies.